EQUALFIN is an attractive PhD program, as it provides fully funded PhD positions in an excellent academic environment. Doctoral students receive a fellowship of an estimated €1,550 per month. In some cases, allowances of up to €100 are also paid for health term care insurance and, where applicable, a family allowance of up to €155. In fall 2024 and 2025, further increases in the basic scholarship of €100 per month are foreseen. The duration of the doctoral scholarship is generally three years and can be extended in specific cases.
Requirements for candidates:
- You must have a degree in economics or a closely related discipline.
- In accordance with the FU Economics departments’ PhD regulations of the Economics Department of the Freie Universität Berlin, candidates need to hold a Master degree* in Economics or a closely related course of study. In exceptional cases, when the first supervisor comes from the Political Science department, a MA degree in Political Science is required.
- Prerequisite for application is knowledge of the German language at B2 level, at the start of the fellowship.
- In accordance with the selection criteria of the Hans Böckler Stiftung, you should demonstrate social commitment or trade union activities.