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EQUALFIN Welcomes First Doctoral Cohort at Inaugural Research Colloquium

News from Feb 25, 2025

The Doctoral Program "EQUALFIN: Finance and Inequality in Times of Polycrisis" held its first Research Colloquium on the 7th and 11th of February 2025. This event marked a significant milestone for the program, as it introduced its inaugural cohort of doctoral candidates funded by the Hans Böckler Foundation. The candidates—Valerie Auer, Carolin Dylla, Tássia Kastner, Marlon Krippendorf, and Marla Schiefeling—presented their early-stage research, engaged in scholarly discussions, and received feedback from peers and EQUALFIN members. Additionally, the event provided opportunities for networking with other doctoral candidates and faculty members from FU and HTW.

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