Research area 2: Financial sector and inequality in the context of ecological transformation
Financial sector and inequality in the context of ecological transformation
- Climate change-related natural disasters hit the Global South particularly hard
- Climate adaptation measures require both public and private funding
Research focus:
- Cost and risk sharing between creditors and debtors
- New models of financial support in the run-up to disasters
- Determinants of willingness to invest and donate in the Global North
- Distributional effects of standards and criteria for sustainable financial products
Possible research questions
- Global climate finance: What incentives determine the provision of development cooperation funds, private donations, and private investments?
- Effects of EU standards and criteria for sustainable financial products on access to financing for SMEs?
- Are globally financed climate protection programs effective in reaching the most vulnerable population groups in the recipient countries?
Description of research area two here
Potential supervisors:
Prof. Natalia Danzer (FU Berlin)
Prof. Sebastian Dullien (HTW Berlin)
Prof. Barbara Fritz (FU Berlin)
Prof. Theocharis Grigoriadis (FU Berlin)
Prof. Heike Joebges (HTW Berlin)
Prof. Philipp Lepenies (FU Berlin)
Prof. Peter N. C. Mohr (FU Berlin)
Jun.-Prof. Manuel Santos Silva (FU Berlin)